Growing cilantro

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Revision as of 19:25, 3 February 2024 by Agedcheez (talk | contribs) (Added a bit)
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This is my first time growing a plant hopefully it does not die.

Day 4

A picture of a flower pot with only soil visible
The pot where the cilantro is being grown.

I planted my cilantro seeds 4 days ago. I put 18 seeds in the pot, digging 9 holes evenly spaced across it with two seeds in each hole.

I've watered twice, first upon planting the seeds and just now. I use a bottle to sprinkle in a small stream of water as to not flood the seeds.

It's currently inside due to being a bit too cold for it outside, so it's by a window to get proper sunlight. I'll probably start placing it outside in intervals once it starts growing.

I unearthed 2 of the seeds shortly so I could see their progress. Currently they've just started to sprout from their seeds.

A close up image of cilantro seeds surrounded by soil. Small white stalks are coming out of them.
The cilantro seeds I unearthed.